June & July Presbynews
June and July: Asking the Questions Jesus Asked
If you know any toddlers, you may not be surprised that 70-80 percent of their conversations are comprised of questions. Surveys have indicated that only 15-25 percent of adult conversations are composed of questions. We stop asking questions at an alarming rate.
One reason this is alarming is that while Jesus is asked 183 questions in the New Testament, he asks over 300 questions. Questions help us see our surroundings in a new way. Well-asked questions can unsettle long-held assumptions. Questions open us up to mystery and allows us to become inquisitive, life-long learners. For the church, continuing to ask questions places us in the position of listening, instead of presuming that the proprietors of all of the answers. Jesus answered less than handful of the questions he was asked. Can studying the questions of Jesus help us ask the right questions for ministry today?
Throughout June and July we are going to focus on the questions Jesus asked. Each Sunday, we will read scripture in which Jesus asks a question. On Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. we will offer a book study. The book is titled Jesus is the Question: The 307 Questions Jesus Asks and the Three He Answered by Martin Copenhaver.
Here is the worship schedule for June and July:
- Sunday, June 3 - Communion: Haven’t you ever read what David did when he was in need, when he and those with him were hungry? (Mark 2:23-3:6) Music from the Phil DeGreg Jazz Trio.
- Sunday, June 10 - Choir Recognition: Who are my mother and my brothers? (Mark 3:20-35) Music from the Sanctuary Choir.
- Sunday, June 17: Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith? (Mark 4:35-41) Music from the Summer Choir.
- Sunday, June 24: How much bread do you have? (Mark 6:35-44) Music from Kara and Matt Miller.
- Sunday, July 1 - Communion: Why do you make a commotion and weep? (Mark 5:21-43) Music from Suzanne Edwards.
- Sunday, July 8: Can worry add a second to your life? (Matthew 6:25-34) Music from Tara Downie, soprano.
- Sunday, July 15: What/who are you looking for? (John 1:28, 18:7, and 11:1-13) Music from Brian Shepard, tenor and organist.
- Sunday, July 22: Would you give a snake to a child who wants bread? Ore a scorpion for and egg? How much more will the heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask? (Luke 11:1-13) Music by the Razor’s Edge Barbershop Chorus.
- Sunday, July 29 Do you love me? (John 221:15-19) Music by the Wing Walkers.
May Opportunities
May 6: Sunday Worship will include Baptism and Communion
May 13: The Joyful Noize Choir will lead worship.
May 20: We will have liturgical dancers for Pentecost this year.
May 27: Join us for guest preacher the Rev. Karen Fleming.
May PresbyNews
April Opportunities
April 8: Easter Encore. Our pastor will be swapping pulpits with the Rev. Sarah Sparks-Franklin from Covenant Presbyterian Church in Springboro. Both will be revisiting their Easter sermons.
April 22: Guest Preacher. Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Nowak
April 29: Service of Healing and Wholeness. The deacons will be hosting a prayer service after worship which includes an opportunity t be anointed with oil.
April PresbyNews
March PresbyNews
February PresbyNews
Lent and Easter Schedule
Ash Wednesday: Soup, Seed, and Ash
Seeds are a symbol of Lent, since they are seemingly lifeless until they suddenly begin to bloom. On February 14, join us at 6:00 p.m. for a soup dinner, seed planting, and a worship service in Fellowship Hall. Joyful Noize will sing. We will plant seeds in individual jars, and participants may take their planted seeds home with them to watch them grow throughout Lent. Dinner, glass jars, seeds, and potting soil will be supplied.
Lenten Luncheons: Growing Up When You're Already Grown
On Wednesdays during Lent, come by for lunch and conversation with one of the new pastors in town. Each speaker has been asked to respond to theme "Growing Up When You're Already Grown." The program begins at 12:00 and lasts less than an hour.
- 2/21 - Scotty Robertson, First Baptist Church
- 2/28 - Tracey Siegman, First Christian Church
- 3/7 - Jeri Baker, Monroe Presbyterian Church
- 3/14 - Michael Isaacs, First Presbyterian Church
- 3/28 - Patty Anderson-Cook, The Gathering (This is rescheduled from 3/21 because of snow.)
Good Friday: March 30
With Easter falling on a Communion Sunday this year and a meal provided with our Ash Wednesday service, we decided to do a Good Friday service instead of a Maundy Thursday service. Tradition says that Jesus was on the cross for three hours—from noon until 3:00 p.m. During that time, we will have seven different preachers preach each of the phrases Jesus says from the cross. You are not expected to be there the whole time, rather drop-in for a sermon or two. Confirmed preachers include: Edward McNulty, Norm Coleman, Karen Fleming, John Wagner, Barb Nein, and Michael Isaacs.
Easter Sunday: April 1
We will give witness to the ressurecton of Jesus Christ and celebrate new life found in God on April 1 at 10:00 a.m. We will be joined by a brass quartet.
Easter Encore: April 8
Our pastor will be swapping pulpits with the Rev. Sarah Sparks-Franklin from Covenant Presbyterian Church in Springboro. Both will be revisiting their Easter sermons.