August Happenings

Blessing of the Animals: Bring your pets to the front lawn of the church on Wednesday, August 7, at 6:00 p.m. We will give thanks to God for our companion animals!

 Dessert with missionaries! The Mission Committee invites you to join Bob and Kristi Rice on Tuesday, August 6, at 6:30 for coffee and cookies in the Youth Room. The Rice’s serve as PCUSA mission co-workers in South Sudan. This is our first year supporting them.

 The Phil DeGreg Jazz Trio will join us for worship on August 11 at 10:00 a.m. Invite a friend!

 We support students at Highview Sixth Grade Center by providing required school supplies for those who cannot afford them. This year we were asked to provide supplies for 100 students, a significant increase over past years. Supplies typically cost around $25 a student. If you would like to contribute financially to this mission, please do so soon by writing Highview on your check.

 Mark your calendar for the Fall Kick-off. Stay after church on September 8 for a church picnic. We’ll eat hot dogs, ice cream, and hang out on the front yard.