Pastoral Letter: Update for April

On April 2, 2020, the Session of First Presbyterian Church had their first meeting using video conferencing.

Dear friends,

The peace of Christ be with you.

As this continues to be a peculiar time in our world, I want to remind you of three recent affirmations from worship: You are not alone. It’s okay not to know. Stay alert and let God guide you.

Session met last night by video conference call. At this meeting we agreed on a few matters:

 1.     Worship throughout April will continue to be virtual. There will be no in-person worship. Please visit on Sunday mornings.

2.     We are setting up online giving through the Presbyterian Foundation. Once this is up and running, we will share instructions on how to give online. Please be aware that there is a 2% transaction fee. If you are comfortable mailing your contributions, please continue to do that. If you give online, please consider offsetting the transaction fee if you are able.

3.     We are reaching out to community leaders and offering ourselves as a resource. Please let us know how our ministry can be a resource for our community at this time.

We also have a few announcements about Holy Week and Easter.

1.     I am working with presbytery colleagues to provide short video content for each day of Holy Week. This will be made available on our website and Facebook.

2.     We will have Communion on Easter morning at 10:30 through Zoom. In the online service there will be a link to a Zoom conference call, as well as a call-in phone number. Please have your own bread and juice ready before you connect online. We intend to livestream the Zoom call on our Facebook page.

3.     Lisa will be hosting a Zoom tutorial on Wednesday at 2:00 if people need to see how to connect. E-mail to participate in this training.

4.     Immediately following 10:30 communion on Easter, Joyce will play the carillon bells. If you can hear the bells from your house, please go outside and sing along! We will try to livestream this postlude to the service for those who live farther from the church.

Please feel free to contact any elder, the church office, or me with any questions. Let the deacons know if any needs arise. Stay connected with one another. Pray with one another.

With great love,
