May Update from Session

Session met recently and decided to continue virtual worship. This will be reviewed again in two months at our July session meeting. We will continue with our virtual worship service available at  We will also offer additional components each week to make Sundays more interactive and personal. Here is an outline of how that will look over the next few weeks:

  • On Pentecost, May 31, Joyce will play the carillon bells at 10:30 as a postlude to our service. You are welcome to drive to the parking lot of the church to enjoy the music. Wear red, of course. Roll down your windows and wave at one another. Please stay in your vehicle. (If you walk or ride to the church, please adhere to the most cautious social distancing procedures.)

  • On June 7 and July 5, we will have communion at 10:30 via Zoom.

  • On June 14, 21, 28 and July 12, 19, 26, we will have Zoom Sunday School at 10:30. Michael will lead a short discussion on the scripture passage from the worship service followed by fellowship.

Our ministry remains open and we will continue to serve Jesus Christ by loving our neighbors. This love of neighbor continues to be at the core of our discernment at this time. We also are keenly aware of the wellness of our congregants and that worship is a high risk activity for communicable disease.