May Update from Session

Session met recently and decided to continue virtual worship. This will be reviewed again in two months at our July session meeting. We will continue with our virtual worship service available at  We will also offer additional components each week to make Sundays more interactive and personal. Here is an outline of how that will look over the next few weeks:

  • On Pentecost, May 31, Joyce will play the carillon bells at 10:30 as a postlude to our service. You are welcome to drive to the parking lot of the church to enjoy the music. Wear red, of course. Roll down your windows and wave at one another. Please stay in your vehicle. (If you walk or ride to the church, please adhere to the most cautious social distancing procedures.)

  • On June 7 and July 5, we will have communion at 10:30 via Zoom.

  • On June 14, 21, 28 and July 12, 19, 26, we will have Zoom Sunday School at 10:30. Michael will lead a short discussion on the scripture passage from the worship service followed by fellowship.

Our ministry remains open and we will continue to serve Jesus Christ by loving our neighbors. This love of neighbor continues to be at the core of our discernment at this time. We also are keenly aware of the wellness of our congregants and that worship is a high risk activity for communicable disease.

Summer Hymns

We are exploring some of our favorite Bible passages in worship this summer. Those may be submitted at We also taking reequest for people’s favorite hymns.

Mission Opportunity: Sewing masks

We received a message from Henrietta Nye. She has been organizing the making of masks for the hospital, medical offices and hospice visitors within the Atrium Hospital service area. 

With the hospitals opening up more for testing and potentially visitors, many more masks will be needed. The goal for May is to create 1,000 masks. If you are able to assist with this project you may reach Henrietta at 513-567-4325 or Dianne Gerber at 513-422-6681.

Note from Henrietta Nye: “I have plenty of fabric.  If anyone likes to sew, but not cut, I have stacks and stacks of cut squares.  I have some elastic and I am awaiting two more shipments in the near future. I have a couple of people cutting wires, if you need wires. What else might you need? This is important for the health and safety of our families, friends, and neighbors.”

Summer Series: DWELL

We dwell in both the WORD and the WORLD as Christians.

What passages of scripture do you dwell in?

Or, what verses from the Bible inspire you most? What stories comfort you? Which passages give you direction and hope? Is there a verse taped to your mirror or dashboard? We want to know!

Please anonymously submit your favorite scripture passages using the form below. We are going to review some of our most beloved scripture passages in worship and Bible study this summer. Perhaps, your submission will be considered for use in worship!

Pastoral Letter: Update for May

Dear friends,

Session met on Tuesday night to discuss our ongoing response to COVID-19. We decided to continue with virtual worship until we can review the matter again on May 26. The building will remain to be closed for non-essential meetings.

We remain committed to finding ways to broaden, expand, and magnify our witness of God’s redeeming love at this time. We need your support, ideas, and help as we navigate these challenges. Please reach out to session members or the pastor with your input and prayer requests.

In Christ,


Online Giving

Online giving is now available by clicking the button above. Our ministry is funded through the contributions and generosity of our membership and friends. We are glad to make giving available online, and invite you into the discipline of giving. We are grateful for the may ways people give to the church, and seek to be good stewards of God’s gifts. See more on our page about online giving.

Premier Health Donations

On Friday, April 17, from 9:00-10:00 a.m., Premier Health will be collecting donations in the East Parking Lot.

Excerpt From Premier Health appeal:

“We are extremely grateful for the many individuals and businesses who have reached out to offer their assistance. Your support of our efforts means so much more than we can say. From the 13,000 employees and providers at Premier Health, thank you for thinking of us and supporting our community.

We know your time is valuable and social distancing is important. That is why we’ve set up several donation drop-off locations throughout the region. Depending on what you are donating and where you are dropping off, you may be able to stay in your car during the donation process – keeping you safe.

Items accepted at community drop-off locations:

  • Face masks (new or homemade) and surgical masks

  • Gloves

  • Isolation gowns and medical gowns

  • Face shields

  • Thermometers

  • Foot coverings

  • Protective coveralls

  • Pre-packaged, non-perishable food

  • Cards, pictures, and letters of support for health care team members

We ask that all donations, except for notes/cards, be delivered in boxes or bags to facilitate transport. We are unable to collect monetary donations at our community drop-off sites.”

Pastoral Letter: Update for April

On April 2, 2020, the Session of First Presbyterian Church had their first meeting using video conferencing.

Dear friends,

The peace of Christ be with you.

As this continues to be a peculiar time in our world, I want to remind you of three recent affirmations from worship: You are not alone. It’s okay not to know. Stay alert and let God guide you.

Session met last night by video conference call. At this meeting we agreed on a few matters:

 1.     Worship throughout April will continue to be virtual. There will be no in-person worship. Please visit on Sunday mornings.

2.     We are setting up online giving through the Presbyterian Foundation. Once this is up and running, we will share instructions on how to give online. Please be aware that there is a 2% transaction fee. If you are comfortable mailing your contributions, please continue to do that. If you give online, please consider offsetting the transaction fee if you are able.

3.     We are reaching out to community leaders and offering ourselves as a resource. Please let us know how our ministry can be a resource for our community at this time.

We also have a few announcements about Holy Week and Easter.

1.     I am working with presbytery colleagues to provide short video content for each day of Holy Week. This will be made available on our website and Facebook.

2.     We will have Communion on Easter morning at 10:30 through Zoom. In the online service there will be a link to a Zoom conference call, as well as a call-in phone number. Please have your own bread and juice ready before you connect online. We intend to livestream the Zoom call on our Facebook page.

3.     Lisa will be hosting a Zoom tutorial on Wednesday at 2:00 if people need to see how to connect. E-mail to participate in this training.

4.     Immediately following 10:30 communion on Easter, Joyce will play the carillon bells. If you can hear the bells from your house, please go outside and sing along! We will try to livestream this postlude to the service for those who live farther from the church.

Please feel free to contact any elder, the church office, or me with any questions. Let the deacons know if any needs arise. Stay connected with one another. Pray with one another.

With great love,


Important Letter from Session

Dear Church,

Earlier this evening, Session met to determine our response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

 These decisions were not taken lightly, and we worked hard to form consensus. We seek to be faithful to both God and our neighbors. We are confident when we state: These decisions are made out of love, not out of fear.

 These were the decisions of the Session:

  • We will not be meeting for three weeks beginning this Sunday, March 15. We will provide resources for virtual worship which will be available on the church website by Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

  • Access to the building will be restricted to essential meetings only.

  • Tuesday morning Bible Study will meet by conference call. Call the office for more information.

  • We will have daily prayer by conference call each weekday at 1:00 p.m. Call the office for more information.

  • The building will be staffed for the time being, and staff will also work remotely.

  • Please continue to financially support our ministry.

  • Our Pre-Kindergarten Readiness Program will observe the three-week spring break implemented in public schools starting immediately.

  • Please call the office if you contact information is not up-to-date.

Sunday’s congregational meeting will be re-scheduled by Session when we re-assess the situation. Session will be reaching out to as many people as possible to ensure continued care and ministry. Please feel free to contact any member of Session with your questions. Additionally, the pastor along some members of session will be present during our regularly-scheduled worship time this Sunday for conversation and prayer.

We believe that the church is called by Christ to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Not only do we intend to do our part in promoting best practices in the face of a public health challenge, we intend to continue our witness of God’s redeeming love.

With love,

Michael Isaacs, Pastor

Anne Frantz, Clerk of Session